Stephen Ruggero, Oil Painter
Twenty years ago I started making clocks from recycled materials and wholesaled them nationwide. Now, I make them whenever the creative juices flow and, sell direct to you. They are one-of -a-kind and shipping is free within the USA. Cheers!
Classic Clock - Hotel Lincoln, Height: 14"
Hula Girl Clock
Height: 28"
Tin-on-Tin Clock, Canoers
Height: 10"
Swing Arm Clock, Hawaii Postage
Height: 13.5"
Clock - Northwoods Cabin
Height: 18"
Piano Clock - Hawaii
Height: 19.5"
Tin-on-Tin Clock - Havana
Height: 10"
Swing Arm Clock - 1939
Height: 13.5"
Copyright 2018 Stephen Ruggero